文档历史 Document history

日期 更新内容 更新人
2022-09-29 创建文档; Albert
2022-10-03 补充样品送测视频;
补充部分缺少图片; Albert
2022-10-05 更新实物色卡; Albert
2022-10-05 修改物品清单;
新增AKS样品送测视频链接; Albert
2022-10-06 新增浅绿实物色卡; Albert
2022-10-06 新增小学英文翻译; Albert
2022-10-07 新增基础版实物图; Albert
2022-10-07 新增PVD色卡; Albert
2022-10-30 International GB detials added Albert

样品送测视频传送门 Review & typing test:

*样品仅供参考,最终交付产品可能会有细微调整。Protos are for reference only, the final design may be slightly different from proto.

枣红 Maroon:

Better structure! , Matrix Lab - Corsa build and typing sound

山竹紫 Mangosteen:

Matrix Lab 6XV 3.0 Corsa Build and Typing Sound Test

香芋 Taro:

阳极银标准版 Ano silver standard version:

Convenience is Art -- 6XV 3.0 CORSA assembly and typing test

1. 概述 Features