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版本 修改日期 修改内容 修订人
1.0 2024-09-24 创建文档 Albert

I. 概览 Overview


II. 物品清单 Item list



III. 组装 Assembly

III-1 PCB测试 Test PCB

<aside> 💡 请在组装前完成PCB测试以避免不必要的拆装 Please make sure to complete testing before assembly to avoid unnecessary disassembly


· 打开网站 https://config.matrix-lab.com/ ,点击‘Start’将PCB连接至电脑。

· 在页面上方菜单中选择“Matrix tester”,随后使用绝缘镊子逐一短接每个键位的热插拔轴座,以检验它们是否正常触发。

· 若需要重新测试,可点击“Reset”按钮进行重置。

· Open the website https://config.matrix-lab.com/, click 'Start' to connect the PCB to the computer.

· In the top menu on the page, select "Matrix tester," and then use insulated tweezers to short each hot-swappable switch socket one by one to check if they trigger correctly.

· If you need to retest, you can click the "Reset" button to start over.


III-2 PCB支持配列 PCB Layout
